Thursday, September 16, 2010

Unsend? Is there an unsend?

Two days until Jamaica. Still nothing packed. Better get on that...

I finally got a response from B's teacher. Here is the gem:

I spoke with Mr. S [the school social worker] yesterday afternoon about your concerns.  B has adjusted well to fifth grade inside the classroom. Unfortunately, outside of the classroom is where troubles sometimes arise.  Here are some things that we'd like to try.  If B feels comfortable coming to tell me about what happened, then that should be the first plan of action.  He can also speak with Mr. S at any time if he desires.  As it is only the first full week of school, we both understand that he may not feel comfortable doing so.  Please keep us aware of any situations that he makes you aware of at home. [Is this not what I'm doing?] We have a "Zero Tolerance" policy for bullying here.  However, our hands are tied if he's not sure who said these things to him. [Tied? Our hands are tied? My hands are tied, lady! Sending him to you. Protect him.] Please encourage him to let the nearest adult know.  No child should be feeling this way.  
In early October, Mr. S will be coming into 4th and 5th grade classrooms to discuss ways kids are bullied, how to prevent it, what to do if you're a bystander of bullying, cyberbullying, etc. in hopes to make students more aware of what role they play in the process. Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.
Fifth Grade Teacher

So, me being, well, me, I forwarded the email to my husband and added what I thought about it. I said that I thought her response was kind of 


And he responded that he agreed it was kind of 


And then, me being...
you guessed it.


I proceeded (horror of horrors!!)
to send the teacher a polite reply that included my husband's and my attached commentary about her 


"your message has been sent".....  
wait... waitwaiwaitwait......what? ...Oh...Oh, no...
no... no noooooooo, NO!


Now. Who is bullying whom?


Well. At least she'll know what I think about her now. She'll have to wait until the October talk about bullying to learn how she should proceed. I'm sorry. My hands are tied.

If we ever get into this Diplomacy thing, I think I'll need serious help in not offending pretty much everybody.

**On Edit: Ok, not to make you question my intelligence too much here, but... it looks like I may not have made the gi-normous blunder that I mentioned above. But I can't be sure. I know, doofus-material. But can I just say that gmail is *very* difficult to tell who has been sent what in a long string of emails, when you start branching off and sending some things to some people and they reply and then there are forwards and deletes and cuts and pastes and replies and adds and responses and ... Well.
I have learned my lesson. Which is, um...
The lesson is: Be very careful. And then click send.


Bfiles said...

It's so easy to make that mistake on email. Did you write back to apologize?
I hope it shakes her up, though. Because doesn't he know their names? And can't she intervene now?

I'll Take Mine... said...

I thought about sending an "I'm sorry I said you are lame" message. But, I'm just going to let it stand.

I'll let her think I didn't realize I sent it... lalala, head in clouds.

I did give her the boys names. We'll see.

Jen said...

Um, tell her you forgot a few words and the accent and meant to say that she looked great in lamé?

Yes, gmail can be totally weird with the branching...if you want to tell for sure, click on the bottom-most message in the show details (on right) and also click on quoted text (beneath the message sent)...anything in quoted text was likely may not have sent it at all...and if you did...maybe she will get the point!

Jen said...

Um, tell her you forgot a few words and the accent and meant to say that she looked great in lamé?

Yes, gmail can be totally weird with the branching...if you want to tell for sure, click on the bottom-most message in the show details (on right) and also click on quoted text (beneath the message sent)...anything in quoted text was likely may not have sent it at all...and if you did...maybe she will get the point!

Shannon said...

It's Friday, and that means that the Weekly State Department Blog Roundup is up - and you're on it! 

Here is the link:

If I quoted your text or used your photo(s) and you would rather I had not, please let me know. Please also be sure to check the link(s) that I put up to you, in order to verify that they work properly. If you would rather that I had not referenced you please also contact me. Thanks! 

Unknown said...

"'ll let her think I didn't realize I sent it... lalala, head in clouds."

Unless she reads this post. This IS on the internet, you know. :)

Anonymous said...

I can be difficult and now hotmail/msn is doing the same thing...BOO. I always have yahoo...

Eva said...

There is a lab on gmail that allows you something like 20 seconds to undo sending an email. It has saved me several times!!

Jill said...

Personally ... I think that you should hold your head high and say screw it if the email did indeed send. These teachers have a job to do - which INCLUDES protecting our children - in every sense of the word. If you feel her response was lame (and I will agree - it WAS lame) then let it be known. Stand behind your words and show this teacher that she basically gave you a generic answer to a potentially serious problem. I would have taken it a step further and asked if she really meant to insult your intelligence.

But I'm just an outspoken b*tch. *wink*