Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lost my wing-nuts.

My husband has been gone all weekend again.

He forgot both cell phones.

My mother didn't feel like coming over to visit (help).

I grocery shopped, went to Toys r Us to redeem gift cards (the worst gift ever for parents of the birthday child!). Took the kids to Karate Kid (the new one - it's good!). I took the kids to a Native American festival (Hello, many animal hides), a Scottish Highland festival (Hello, many kilted knees of men eating haggis playing bagpipes), and Founders Day Fireworks at 9:45 at night (Hello, mosquitos). Can I get an Amen?!

I am going to do my best to be positive and happy and not say negative things when he gets home later.

We'll see if he thinks I've lost my wing-nuts. Or that I'm drunk or medicated.

I'll let you know how long that lasts.


Steph B said...

You are a better person than I! I would be meeting him at the door on my way out-- to a massage, spa day, and shopping spree! That may be better than being drunk or medicated. And dont forget to leave your cell at home! :)

I'll Take Mine... said...

I am an angelic wife. I am an angelic wife.I am an angelic wife.I am an angelic wife.I am an angelic wife.I am an angelic wife.I am an angelic wife.I am an angelic wife.I am an angelic wife.I am an angelic wife.I am an angelic wife. I am sometimes a bitch. But don't tell.

Bfiles said...

how on earth did you do all that in one weekend??
you are an angelic mom, too!
my husband's going away next wkend and the kids will be lucky if they go outside! :)