Friday, October 7, 2011

Closing shop.

So I wanted to say farewell, at least for now.

The time has come for me to stop blogging.

Thanks so much for reading my ramblings.


Destinaish Unknown said...

What why?!

Anonymous said...

Please don't go! I love reading your blog!

Daniela Swider said...

Whait, what happened? Why???

Emily said...

I hope everything is okay. Keep in touch.

Nomads By Nature said...

Wishing you the best. Hope to have to you back at some point when you are ready - you will be missed!

Jen said...

Why? Well, you will be missed online, but maybe will run into you soon in this area?? One can hope!

Shannon said...

I am sad to see you go and really hope that someday you will post again and let us know what has happened to you while you were living life and not blogging. Take care.

Noble Glomads said...

Good luck. Please don't stop blogging though. We will all miss you.